Saturday 1 March 2014

About Me

Sawaddi khap ...... Hello everyone!!!!....... 

Today is 1 March 2014 the day that I came of age 21 years old. This time make I remembered birthday last year, when I was 20 years old. All my best friend comes home to surprise to me..... This is meaningful memories that I cannot forget ...hehehe

Opps! Sory…Out of our topic here…Back to my aim today is I want to take the chance to introduce about myself. Firstly, I want to tell you all my name is Anistha a/p Ai Pet. You all can also call me “Nick or Nick Orro” . My matric number is 229606. I’m the 2nd of 4 siblings. I'm 21 years old now. My birthday, you all already know that today is my birthday..huhuhu

For your info, I was right Siamese sincerely Malaysian citizen not Thailand…. IS IT TRUE? …..HOW LONG RESIDENT HERE? ….This is the question that is always heard by me.... this is because there are Malaysians who not yet know that there Siamese community in Malaysia. Sorry to say…J …My hometown is Kedah .

My life really feel that I am quite fortunate because I have my beloved family which are my parents and my sister and younger sister who always support me, love me and care about me. 

Thank you to my beloved family so much....muah..muah..muah

My primary school at Sek. Keb. Lamdin. My secondary School at SMK Naka stands from form 1 until form 5. After SPM, I decided to take STPM because I think STPM the best choice and my chance to further study. I continue Pre - University at SMK Dato’Syed Ahmad

Lastly, thank god ….I got calling from Maktab Koperasi Malaysia to continue in bachelor for 4 years^^  Without thinking long, I accepted the offer. Currently, I am a student who taking the course for Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours (BBA (Hons)) in Maktab Koperasi Malaysia - University Utara Malaysia (MKM-UUM).

This is a brief introduction of myself….thankz q 

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