Monday 14 April 2014

Mango ‘ s Somtam

Usually we use papaya to make somtam ... but for me somtam do by young mango is more yummy .... you ever ate??? ...... Adeh swallow my saliva when quotes about somtam  ........ hehe ... . lets friends we share our little ways of making it ......

First of all we need to provide enough material for:


1. 3 seed young mangoes apple ( because less sour and view this     seasonable) -  finely the fruit

2. 3-4 beans stalk, cut in 2-inch

3. 1 tomato seeds, cut into wedges

4. 4 chilli rice – if you want spicy, you can add more

5. 2 teaspoons dried shrimp

6. 4 tablespoons peanuts already roasted - disregard of their

7. 2 tablespoons sugar somtam (See picture below)

8. Fish sauce to taste.

9. 2 limes-take waters.

 The ways preparing somtam;
 1. Insert chillies in a mortar-mashed spoiled
2. Insert dried shrimp - mashed spoiled
3. Insert long bean-mashed spoiled
4. Insert tomato wedge-mashed spoiled
5. Add sugar somtam- Mash all the ingredients. Insert 2                   tablespoons fish sauce.
6. Enter lime tart.
7. Enter the mango is cut ... and mix well ..... let Taste let salty,       sweet and sour taste.
8. Serving time, sprinkle peanuts. (If any place white cabbage         stalk .. yummy!!!)

 That's how to do  .....  it is easy right you all?????........if you want more easily let buy at  Somtam Thai Shop ....... hehehe

Bye .. that's it all!

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